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Una BMT 081 con il posteriore scomponibile

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Riceviamo questo progetto dall'Austria, dove un gruppo di appassionati, guidati da Franky, hanno pensato a modificare la BMT 081, creando un nuovo gruppo posteriore scomponibile...

Hello RCBazar readers,
in Austria we are a little group of Rallygame racers.
Most of our club members drive the BMT 081. (me too). I' m pretty happy with this car but I would like to change things easier and faster. So I decided to modify the BMT 081.
The idea was to change the belt, the rear differential easier, to have more possibilities for the set-up, to use the original chassis (only little modification), to reduce the weight of the rear area and a lower center of gravity.
The rear bulk support set and the rear upper arms are produced of the famous alloy 7075-T6. Other parts like the rear anti-roll bar, body holders and so on are from Mugen MRX5.You have to make only seven holes in the original chassis and the new rear axle works.
After 14 months I have finished my modification.So you can see the results at the pictures and in my movie on youtube
The ideas, design and drawings were developed by me.
If someone is interested in these parts, please contact me. Email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
